Results for 'Junyue da YanWang'

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  1.  15
    Teaching data science to undergraduate translation trainees: Pilot evaluation of a task-based course.Junyue da YanWang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The advancement in technology has changed the workflow and the role of human translator in recent years. The impact from the trend of technology-mediated translation prompted the ratification of technology literacy as a major competence for modern translators. Consequently, teaching of translation technology including but not limited to Computer-aided Translation and Machine Translation became part of comprehensive curricula for translation training programs. However, in many institutions, the teaching of translation technology was haunted by issues such as: narrow scope of curriculum (...)
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  2. Vedāntasūtravaidikavr̥ttiḥ: Vedāntasūtravaidikabhāṣyaparanāmadheyā. Hariprasāda - 1914 - Vārāṇasī, Bhārata: Caukhambhā Saṃskr̥ta Saṃsthāna. Edited by Bādarāyaṇa.
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  3. Discussion-unity of wittgensteins metaphysical system.Da Kelly - 1970 - Journal of Thought 5 (1):5-13.
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  4. MedievalFrenchLiteratureandtheCrusades (1100-1300). Geneva: Droz (1988). Rev. by William W. Kibler.Da Trotter - 1989 - Speculum 64:1044-1045.
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  5. Learning to solve complex problems-patterns of stability and change.Da da HersheyWalsh - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):513-513.
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  6. Husserl's two notions of completeness.Jairo josé Da Silva - 2000 - Synthese 125 (3):417 - 438.
    In this paper I discuss Husserl's solution of the problem of imaginary elements in mathematics as presented in the drafts for two lectures hegave in Göttingen in 1901 and other related texts of the same period,a problem that had occupied Husserl since the beginning of 1890, whenhe was planning a never published sequel to Philosophie der Arithmetik(1891). In order to solve the problem of imaginary entities Husserl introduced,independently of Hilbert, two notions of completeness (definiteness in Husserl'sterminology) for a formal axiomatic (...)
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    Copernicanismo, autonomia científica e autoridade religiosa em Marin Mersenne.Paulo Tadeu da Silva - 2004 - Scientiae Studia 2 (2):239-250.
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    Handling Ethics Dumping and Neo-Colonial Research: From the Laboratory to the Academic Literature.Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (3):433-443.
    This paper explores that the topic of ethics dumping, its causes and potential remedies. In ED, the weaknesses or gaps in ethics policies and systems of lower income countries are intentionally exploited for intellectual or financial gains through research and publishing by higher income countries with a more stringent or complex ethical infrastructure in which such research and publishing practices would not be permitted. Several examples are provided. Possible ED needs to be evaluated before research takes place, and detected prior (...)
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  9. Gödel incompleteness in analysis, with an application to the forecasting problem in the social sciences.Newton C. A. da Costa & FranciscoAntonio Doria - 1994 - Philosophia Naturalis 31 (1):1-24.
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  10. Martins Capela eo renascimento tomista em Portugal no séculoXIX.Pontes Jm da Cruz - 1976 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 32 (1):63-90.
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    Back to the Origins of Science.Luciano Da F. Costa - 2001 - Brain and Mind 2 (2):227-228.
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    Filosofía para desencantados.Leonardo da Jandra - 2014 - Girona, España: Atalanta.
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  13. Is̲bāt-i vujūd-i khudā: parvarish-i fikrī-i Islām, qiṣṣaṣī az Qurʼān, faṣūlī dar akhlāq.Manūchihr Dānishʹpazhūh - 1975 - [Tihrān]: Intishārāt-i Payrūz.
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  14. Identidades & diversidades culturais.Gárdia Rodrigues da Silva - 2010 - In Adriana Severo Rodrigues, Giancarla Brunetto & Márcio Eduardo Brotto, Os hereges: temas em direitos humanos, ética e diversidade. Porto Alegre, RS: Armazém Digital.
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  15. Mīmāṃsā prameya.Rāma Prakāśa Dāsa - 1988 - Naī Dillī: Sukr̥ti Prakāśana.
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    Dar borai ilm.Riz̤ā Dāvarī - 2010 - Dushanbe: Donish. Edited by M. Ilolov.
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    Naqd-i farhang-i tawsiʻahʹnayāftagī.Riz̤ā Dāvarī - 2020 - [Tihrān]: Naqd-i Farhang.
    Philosophy and science ; Rationalism ; Thought and thinking ; Psychology and philosophy ; Islamic philosophy -- Iran ; Philosophy, Iranian.
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  18. Vita e dottrina di Gaetano di Thiene.Silvestro da Valsanzibio & Father[From Old Catalog] - 1949 - Padova,: Studio filosofico die FF.MM. cappuccini.
  19. al-Manhaj al-ʻilmī al-ḥadīth.Ḥāmid Ḥifnī Dāwūd - 1964
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    Free editors and peers: squeezing the lemon dry.Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva & Vedran Katavić - 2016 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 6 (3-4).
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    What Rights Do Authors Have?Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva & Aceil Al-Khatib - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (3):947-949.
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    Beyond illusion & doubt: a Vedic view of western philosophy.A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda - 1999 - Los Angeles: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust.
    Amidst all the anticipation, anxiety, and hype swirling around the year 2000, we may find ourselves searching for some sure guidance as we enter the new millennium. Dharma: The Way of Transcendence provides it. Written by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, whom scholars and spiritual leaders worldwide recognize as the most distinguished teacher of Indian culture and philosophy of the modern age, Dharma answers essential questions thoughtful people ask in every millenium: Who am I? What are my (...)
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  23. Kṛṣṇa consciousness.A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda - 1972 - New York,: Macmillan.
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  24.  12
    Perceived Stress and Daily Well-Being During the COVID-19 Outbreak: The Moderating Role of Age.Da Jiang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:571873.
    Objectives Older adults are considered one of the most vulnerable groups to COVID-19. However, previous studies on emotion and aging have found that older adults report better well-being than younger adults in global survey and daily report. To better understand older adults’ well-being during the COVID-19 outbreak, we examined age differences in daily affective experiences in this study. Method Two hundred and thirty-one participants from mainland China aged 18 to 85 were recruited to participate in the 14-day daily diary study, (...)
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    Optimizing peer review to minimize the risk of retracting COVID-19-related literature.Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Helmar Bornemann-Cimenti & Panagiotis Tsigaris - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (1):21-26.
    Retractions of COVID-19 literature in both preprints and the peer-reviewed literature serve as a reminder that there are still challenging issues underlying the integrity of the biomedical literature. The risks to academia become larger when such retractions take place in high-ranking biomedical journals. In some cases, retractions result from unreliable or nonexistent data, an issue that could easily be avoided by having open data policies, but there have also been retractions due to oversight in peer review and editorial verification. As (...)
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    Virtude e democracia: um ensaio sobre ideias republicanas.Filipe Carreira da Silva - 2004 - Lisboa: Impr. de Ciências Sociais.
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    Junk Science, Junk Journals, and Junk Publishing Management: Risk to Science’s Credibility.Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (3):1701-1704.
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    Trattati politici: sulla tirannide, sulle costituzioni politiche, sui partiti.Bartolo da Sassoferrato - 2019 - Foligno (PG): Il formichiere. Edited by Bartolo & Dario Razzi.
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    Rāja-vidyā, the king of knowledge.A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda - 1973 - New York,: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust.
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    Studies in paraconsistent logic I: The dialectical principle of the unity of opposites.Newton C. A. Da Costa & Robert G. Wolf - 1980 - Philosophia 9 (2):189-217.
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    Schopenhauer e os Valores da Experiência Estética, de Bart Vandenabeele.Renata Covali Cairolli Achlei & Luan Corrêa da Silva - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11 (3):224-237.
    Tradução do artigo originalmente publicado em The Southern Journal of Philosophy, Vol. XLV, 2007, pp. 565-582, intitulado Schopenhauer on the Values of Aesthetic Experience.
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    Bölcseletek, vallások, jogi alapértékek.Antal Ádám - 2015 - Pécs: Pécsi Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogudományi Kar.
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  33. Meinong's Theory Of Objects And Hilbert's $\epsilon$-symbol.N. C. A. da Costa, F. Doria & N. Papavero - 1991 - Reports on Mathematical Logic.
    We propose a formalization of Meinong's theory of objects with the help of Hilbert's $\epsilon$-symbol and a paraconsistent logical system, with an eye towards its application in an axiomatization of the natural sciences.
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  34. Vicente Licínio Cardoso e Castilhos Goycohêa [sic.Fernando Whitaker Tavares da Cunha - 1971 - Rio de Janeiro,: Pongetti.
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    Political Ethics and European Constitution.Paulo Ferreira da Cunha - 2015 - Berlin, Heidelberg: Imprint: Springer.
    Is the dream of EU endangered? This book reviews classic and modern values and virtues, and uses them in order to rethink Europe's present politics and its future. The idea of the Republic was born with the political ethics of ancient Greece. The current international crisis obliges Europe to face the mirror of truth: What has become of the European Idea and how fares the European Constitution? It has been a long road from the Greek Politeia to the present lack (...)
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    A Epistemologia da Justiça [Elizabeth Anderson].Marcos Fanton & Juliano Pires da Rosa - 2024 - Dissertatio 59:232-261.
    Em discussões sobre justiça, diferentes perspectivas geralmente compartilham princípios morais, mas chegam a conclusões distintas sobre justiça, porque discordam sobre fatos. Argumento que o raciocínio motivado, a injustiça epistêmica e as ideologias de injustiça apoiam instituições injustas ao consolidarem representações distorcidas do mundo. Partindo de uma concepção naturalista de justiça como um tipo de contrato social, sugerirei algumas estratégias para descobrir o que a justiça demanda, neutralizando esses vieses. Sentimentos morais oferecem recursos essenciais para esse fim.
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    Ações para conscientização e prática da educação ambiental na cidade de Patos / PB/ Brasil.Carina Cristina Agnes Calegari, Leandro Calegari, Alana Candeia de Melo, Edevaldo Da Silva & Joedla Rodrigues de Lima - 2020 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 22 (1):58-77.
    A pesquisa resgata atividades desenvolvidas junto ao projeto de extensão Florestal Recicla que compõe o Programa de Ações para a Sustentabilidade Socioambiental, da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos. Este trabalho teve como motivação inicial a experiência profissional da autora, sob orientação dos coautores, atuando como educadora e geógrafa na iniciativa de oferecer contribuições relevantes às questões socioambientais, pela busca do consumo consciente e sustentável através da educação formal e não formal junto às comunidades, escolas e aos alunos (...)
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    O pensamento filosófico português contemporâneo: a receção de Kant em Leonardo Coimbra.António Martins da Costa - 2012 - Porto: Universidade Católica Editora.
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  39. Centro de educação, filosofia E teologia.Código da Disciplina & Semestre Letivo - 2012 - História 30:2º.
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  40. Pai D eia.Diretta da, Vittore Pisani, Direttore Responsabile & Giuseppe Scarpat - 1952 - Paideia 7:79.
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  41. Castelo branc0, phvb secularização inacabada: Política E direito em Carl Schmitt.Diogo da Silva Roiz - 2012 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 17 (2).
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  42. Concepção contratualista de Hobbes.Daniel Leite da Silva Justino - 2011 - Filosofia 25:07.
  43. Características do gramático carísio.Amós Coelho da Silva - 2008 - Principia 2 (17):25-30.
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  44. Nikolo Mekiyāvelli.HecĀr Dāsēganḍa - 1966
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  45. Pruned decision trees-age-related improvements in complex decision-making.Da da WalshHershey, Sj Read & As Chulef - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):526-526.
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  46. (11 other versions)Crónica.L. Craveiro da Silva - 1960 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 16 (2):268-270.
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  47. Música e Filosofia em Platão e Aristóteles.Roosevelt Araújo da Rocha Júnior - 2007 - Discurso 37:29-54.
    Este artigo traz uma breve reflexão acerca do valor que a música assume nos pensamentos filosóficos de Platão e de Aristóteles. Mediante esse exercício, também se refletirá sobre o estatuto da música em relação à ideia de filosofia presente nas obras desses autores.
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    O amor/ágape E o serviço/diaconia, nos escritos joaninos.Me Renato da Silva Machado - 2011 - Revista de Teologia 5 (8):95-109.
    Em um mundo marcado pelo hedonismo, materialismo e individualismo, os cristãos são convidados a dar testemunho de amor e de serviço, apontando à realidade que ultrapassa os horizontes humanos e oferece o verdadeiro sentido da existência. Este testemunho, por sua vez, pauta-se no acolhimento do amor e serviço de Deus para conosco, conforme nos ensina a literatura joanina. João nos ensina que Deus é o primeiro no amor e nos dá a graça de vivenciarmos o amor, em nossa vida cotidiana, (...)
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    Guide to personal knowledge: the philosophy of Michael Polanyi: tacit knowledge, emergence and the fiduciary program.Dániel Paksi - 2022 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press. Edited by Mihály Héder.
    This book will help readers understand the most important book of Michael Polanyi, 'Personal Knowledge', and help them grasp the essence of his philosophical thinking. In this volume, Polanyi's goals are first reconstructed, and then his main philosophical arguments are introduced. The discussion is limited to the most crucial ideas that are indispensable for the arc of his book: tacit knowledge, emergence and the fiduciary program. The thirteen chapters of this volume explain the essence of the thirteen chapters of 'Personal (...)
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  50. Torat Ḥovot ha-levavot.Bachja ibn Jōsēf ibn Paqūda - 2007 - [Bene Beraḳ?]: Ḥanikhe ha-yeshivot. Edited by Yehudah ibn Tibon.
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